Saturday, November 29, 2008

new press

rob and i made a quick trip to tacoma a few weeks ago to get this little gem. we were able to see some good friends for about 24 hours before picking up the rental car and the press to drive 18 hrs back to fort collins before work on monday. quite the little adventure for a november weekend, but it was totally worth it and a lot of fun.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

lucca :: 4 months old

lucca is 4 months old right now. i think we have a hole in our yard for every week she has been alive... she seems to be more of a digger than a chewer. 

she hates her leash. she acts like we tied a 20lb weight onto her whenever we put her harness & leash on.

out for a walk.

little eli :: nephew #6

elliott (eli) clayton melby was born on october 31st. amanda did a great job! because they decided to have him in fort collins we only had to drive about a mile and a half to see the little guy.

the new parents.

the big sister

addie loves her uncle rob.