Thursday, September 27, 2012

a break in the clouds

We have been getting some much needed rain lately, but it means we have to get creative about expending little boy energy. Cedar and I took advantage of a moment of sun while Imogene was napping to get outside and explore the garden.

 I think Cedar has a future as a farmer, zookeeper or mailman... he loves to walk, and neither rain nor snow will stop him from being outside. I can't say that I am looking forward to having to bundle everyone up to be outside in the coming months.

 Our cherry tomatoes have gone crazy, but most of our beefsteak have succumbed to either a disease we have in part of our soil, Lucca's boredom or lack of sunshine due to being engulfed by the cherry tomato plants. Lesson learned.

backyard camping

We didn't get to do any camping this summer, mostly due to Imogene's birth so Rob and Cedar went "camping" in the backyard. Cedar isn't a great sleeper so the thought of camping close to his bed incase he wouldn't go to sleep was appealing. Imogene and I roasted marshmallows by the fire pit and with the boys and then got a good night sleep indoors.


We skipped church to enjoy the good hiking weather. Cedar loved it and walked by himself the whole way. We are exploring some of the designated natural areas in our area. They are close and have some great trails for kids.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

fry party

We had a fry party with our friends from church last night. Everyone brought something to drop in hot oil... bacon wrapped hot dogs, cauliflower, squash, oreos, shrimp, squid, apples, chile rellenos. There isn't really anything that you can't batter and fry.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Imogene * 2 months

Imogene has such a calm, sweet temperment. She rarely makes a fuss and for the most part sleeps well at night. She could win awards for distance in projectile vomiting and pooping.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Sunday we took dinner up the Poudre River at Picnic Rock. The rain drive most of the visitors off leaving us with our choice of picnic spots. Cedar has been fighting off a virus with a crazy high fever the past 4 days. He seems to finally be recovering and had plenty of energy to run around and get dirty with his cousins.
 Waiting out the rain. We soon headed for the cars, but not before getting wet.

 Imogene with her bug net and a crazy creek to block the rain.

 Cedar got the award for leaving with the most dirt attached to his body.

 A hike with Grandpa, Nana and Addie.

 Eli tried to help Cedar smile for the camera.


Hello double chin!