Monday, July 7, 2014

Imogene • * • 2 yrs

Imogene at 2 years old...
• Loves swimming, jumping, milk, sea creatures, animals, fruit snacks, bugs, swinging, digging, trampolines
• Favorite foods: pizza, mac & cheese, donuts (only with dad), eggs, pb&j
• Hopefully has reached the peak of her clinginess towards me. She likes to grab me and tell Cedar "this is MY mom" and throws a fit if Rob tries to do anything for her.
• And ironically is also super independent... "I do it" She wants us to let her swim on her own in the big pool.
• This girl can throw a tantrum. They usually involve flailing appendages, yelling, flying objects and injuries to her herself or those close by. We realize that to her, everything little thing is a big deal, but throwing a tantrum over who is putting shoes on her before leaving the house can get a little old.
• She has a great smile and laugh.
• She and Cedar are becoming great friends. They are learning how to share and how to play well with each other. They are both so excited to see each other in the mornings and after naps.
• We are working to eliminate biting as a form of communication.
• I can't count the stairs Imogene has fallen down in between her first and second birthdays.
• She loves her stuffed animals and insists on sleeping ON about 12 of them each night.
• Imogene is constantly saying "I'm hungry" or "snack mama" and when I give her options of things to eat or tell her that we are not eating right now she replies by repeating "I'm hungry" until you tell her what she wants to hear.
• And when I give her food she shares it with the dog and immediately asks for more.
• She loves to wrestle with dad and Cedar
• She makes us laugh all the time with her deep voice and 10,000 looks that she can give.

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